SMC provides FREE tutoring for all SMC students and is offered for most subjects. All tutoring services are being conducted in distance learning environments. Tutoring centers include: Business, CSIS, ESL, Math, Modern Language, Science, STEM, and Writing & Humanities.
Tutoring Links:
- More information to schedule a tutoring appointment
- Business Tutoring
- Math Tutoring
- Academic Support
Supplemental Instruction:
What is Supplemental Instruction?
Supplemental Instruction (SI) is an academic assistance program at Santa Monica College that provides free out-of-class sessions to students enrolled in specific courses. The SI sessions operate differently than the services provided by the various tutoring labs on campus in the sense that SI leaders do not tutor students or assist students with homework problems. In SI sessions, SI leaders engage students in interactive group activities to help them learn course concepts, prepare for exams, and learn effective study skills.
Phone: 310-434-4121
Email: supplemental_instruction@smc.edu
Financial Aid
Speak With Financial Aid
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays: 12 - 3 p.m.
More Helpful Financial Aid Links
Transfer Center
SMC’s Transfer Webpage has links to resources such as application support workshops, GE paths, & universities visiting campus.
Transfer Center Links:
General Education for AA/AS/ADT and Transfer(IGETC, CSU GE, AA)
GE Links:
Degrees & Certificates:
AA Degree Links:
Career Services Center
The Career Services family is here to help you on your path to success. Whether you are undecided for your major/career or know exactly where you want to end up, the Career Services Center is a great place to start. A variety of resources and programs are available to help you explore options and gain real-world experience. We look forward to meeting you (virtually!) Questions? Contact us: 310-434-4337 or careerservices@smc.edu
Wellness & Well Being Services
If you ever feel that you need extra support at SMC, there are resources that are provided to all students in their time of need. The Center of Wellness and Well Being provide services to help students with mental health, physical health, food security, substance abuse, and housing security. Click the link below to find out more about these services:
Special Programs:
- Student Support
- Food Pantry
- Center for Students with Disabilities
- Scholars Program
- Latino Center/Adelante
- Black Collegians
- International Education Center
- Veterans